Emergencies can happen at any time.
- Being prepared for emergencies helps you and your family to recover afterwards.
- The person most responsible for your wellbeing before, during and after an emergency is you.
- Emergencies could disrupt your life in ways you don’t expect.
- Preparing an emergency plan will help you feel more confident, in control and able to cope when an emergency strikes.
The following are free emergency plan guides and templates that will get you prepared for any emergency.
Remember to practice your plan!

Australian Red Cross

VicEmergency Hotline
Call the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 for preparation and planning information
Protect your pets
If you own pets, don’t forget to include them in your emergency planning and preparation. By law, animal owners have the responsibility for the health and wellbeing of their pets.
- Talk to your family and friends about where you plan to relocate your pets to if you cannot return home straight away.
- Plan how your will relocate your larger animals such as horses and where you will take them.
- Have suitable transport ready such as a carrier, cage, harness or leash.
- Pack additional items needed for your pets in your emergency kit.
Remember that you may not be able to take pets to emergency relief centres or shelters.
For more information on protecting your pets in emergencies visit the Pets and Emergencies page on the Animal Welfare Victoria website.